Home Case Studies Linfox Property Group

Linfox is Australia’s largest privately owned logistics company that is rapidly expanding throughout Asia and New Zealand. Owned by an iconic Australian family and with over 23,000 employees in 10 countries, the Linfox team shares a common vision to deliver service excellence and adaptable supply chain solutions across the Asia Pacific region.
Linfox Property Group have two new airline hangars constructed at Essendon Airport at the request of Lindsay Fox. The roofs of these hangars will capture a huge amount of rainfall, particularly under heavy rain conditions. They wanted this significant rainwater harvesting potential to store a minimum of 400,000 Litres, enabling them to harness this rainwater in order to reuse it to irrigate the vast areas of the surrounding landscaping to fulfil their obligations with the Essendon Airport facility.
Polymaster met the needs of Linfox by supplying them with 18 x 22,500L tanks through a loyal distributor, including welded fittings and expansion joint bellows. These quality rainwater tanks provided them with the solution to both meet the requirements of certain size restrictions of the tanks in a designated area, but also achieve the capture of this phenomenal rainwater capacity requirement.
“No need to thank me Joe, you have been sensational. Your assistance has been second to none and we are all very appreciative.”
Regards, Alan Walton
Construction Contractor