Home Case Studies Liquid Fertiliser Outfit at Nullawil
Chris is a broadacre farmer who requires large amounts of fertiliser every year for his crops. Being ahead in the game, Chris was amongst the first of the agricultural industry’s trend towards liquid fertiliser.
In transitioning to liquid fertiliser, Chris needed a new fertiliser storage solution. The requirements for storing liquid fertiliser include extra-heavy construction to suit liquids of 1.5 SG, large capacity for bulk tanker loads and specific stainless steel filling and dispensing fittings.
Polymaster’s specifically designed Liquid Fertiliser Storage Tanks are exactly what farmers such as Chris require for their new fertilising methods, and he was able to purchase 6 x 31,700L Polymaster tanks, giving him 190,200L of storage capacity waiting to receive his first delivery of liquid fertiliser this season.
[The Polymaster tanks] make it so much easier to handle than using granular stuff.